Swayam Online Programmes, Benefits, Course Category, Applying process, etc.

Swayam is an online program by the Government of India designed to achieve the principles of Education Policy – access, equity, and quality. It aims at giving the best teaching learning resources to the students including the disadvantaged group of society. Swayam Online Degree platform managed by SWAYAM is a learning platform for educational institutions to offer various programs. Aspirants can acquire Online, Distance Degree, and Skill Development programs. This platform also provides the learning opportunity to foreign students as well. Find out about Swayam Online Degree courses, eligibility, and other details through this article.

Swayam Online Programmes, Benefits, Course Category, Applying process, etc.

Benefits of Swayam Online Programmes:

The Swayam portal provides several courses from class 9 to the Post Graduate level and all these courses can be accessed anytime.

  • The course covers a wide range of subjects such as Humanities, Sciences, Commerce, Engineering, Law, Management, etc. All these courses are created by coordinators by MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) viz UGC, NCERT, NIOS, IIMB, NPTEL, CEC, IGNOU, NITTTR & AICTE.
  • Above 1000 selected teachers as well as instructors from the entire nation participated in the creation of these courses. To acquire the desirable course, the first step is to register in the Swayam Online degree course and then get access to the courses delivered by the faculty from several schools/institutes across the nation.
  • One of the benefits of the Swayam courses is that a learner can earn credits for completing the course on the platform. Further, these credits will be transferred to the learner’s academic record.
  • The most beneficial part is that there is a free-of-cost registration for doing the course. Swayam also provides a medium to connect with the learners from the country to increase the scope of cross-learning and collaboration.
  • It is unbelievable that this portal offers a huge space for courses and study material on the regular basis.

Who is Eligibility for Swayam Online Programmes?

Anyone can register for the Swayam Online Degree Programme. The candidate requires a device and a strong internet connection to start the course.

How to Register for Swayam Online Programs?

Here is the step-by-step process to register for Swayam online degree course:

  • First, create an account on the portal – https://swayam.gov.in.
  • Now sign up using Google or Facebook or Microsoft account or through your Email Address.  
  • To create an account, enter your Username, Email Address, and Password. A verification code will be sent on your email id and after entering the email ID, your account will be created.
  • In the next step, choose the course you want to join.
  • Then go to the individual course detail page and learn about the syllabus, course layout, course duration, reference books, etc.
  • After identifying the course, you want to take in, click on Join and you will be prompted for more info.
  • Now, fill out the form and save the account information and you will be registered for the desired course.

List of Courses Available on Swayam:

The well-known Swayam Portal comprises more than 2000 courses delivered by 1200+ instructors from 135 Indian universities. Courses are available in the following areas:

  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Business
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Art & Design
  • Programming
  • Health & Medicine
  • Data Science
  • Education & Teaching
  • Personal Development

Pre-Requisite Online Courses Requirement:

Once you are done with the registration, here are the pre-requisite for the online course:

  • Quadrant 1 (e-Tutorial) – It consists of video and audio content to commence the online course. It is supported by video transcription and Virtual Lab as per the requirement.
  • Quadrant 2 (e-Content) – It comprises reading material that can be downloaded and printed. This includes articles, e-Books, Open Source content on the net, research papers, etc.
  • Quadrant 3 (Assessment) – Assignments will be created for students and they will be given the date of submission as well. These assignments are graded. Self-assessment is done through tests and quizzes.
  • Quadrant 4 (Discussion Forum) – In this, the learner can clear the doubts online from the Content Instructor or their team members.
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