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Good Friday 2024 Date
Good Friday observed by Christians across the world, considered as a day remembering crucifixion of Jesus. It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ died and carried the sins of the world with him. And because of his sacrifice, people are redeemed and reach paradise. The crucifixion and death of Jesus shows his sacrifice and forgiveness for the sins committed by humans. German observed as Karfreitag or 'Sorrowful Friday' and ‘Viernes Santo’ or 'Holy or Sacred Friday' in Spain. Three days later after the crucifixion, Easter is observed.
Good Friday 2024 Date will be celebrated on March 29, Friday, 2024.
Different Ways to Celebrate
Good Friday is a sombre day and not celebrated with fairs and events. Here are the ways Christians celebrate this day in their countries:
- This day is celebrated by keeping in mind the sacrifice made by Jesus. The day is remembered the most in the Vatican City where Pope recites the Colosseum for Catholics all over the globe. A huge number of cross with torches are burnt in the sky and people hold candles in their hands. Besides this, Catholics keep fasting and offer prayers in the churches. Service takes place in the afternoon the time when Jesus was crucified on the cross. People remember sacrifice made by Jesus for the mankind and the pain he went through. In some, churches people kneel before the cross and worship to affirm their faith.
- In London, a passion play is organized depicting the crucifixion in Trafalgar Square. Thousands of people gather to watch this 90-minute play, which is free of cost for public on this special day.
- In Mexico and Belgium, churches are veiled in dark colors such as black
- In Jerusalem (the birthplace of Jesus), Christians walk on the Jesus’s footsteps that result into his crucifixion carrying the cross of the same weight.
- Alcohol is prohibited to sell on Good Friday in Ireland.
- In Bermuda, people engage in kite flying resembling the journey of Jesus to heaven.
- India celebrates this day be offering prayers to the Lord in churches. The day is declared as national holiday for most Government offices, banks, stock markets, schools, and colleges. It is also a public holiday for people staying in Daman and Diu along with Dadra and Nagar Haveli..
Interesting Facts about Good Friday
As all know that Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus as he died for our sins. Besides Good Friday, the day is also known as Black Friday, Easter Friday, Great Friday, and Holy Friday. Here are some other facts that you should know:
- Jesus was crucified on Good Friday. Judas, one of the twelve supporters of Jesus, betrayed him by kissing him and exposing him to the Chief Priest.
- After this, Jesus was arrested, beaten and spit on.
- A crown of thorns placed on his head and his nails were driven through ankles and wrists.
- He was then placed on a cross inscribed with ‘The King of the Jews’.
- Some considered the day as a ‘holy day’, while others think that it is a corruption of ‘God Friday’
- In the Orthodox services, people mourn the crucifixion of Christ by simply taking down the cross and recounting last days’ story of Jesus Christ which is called Passion of Christ
- Altars kept bare this day and a life-sized cross is placed at the centre of the altar so that parishioners can touch or kiss.
Various Festivities of Good Friday
- Statues, crosses and pictures are covered with black clothes
- Visit the church to offer prayers and sing hymns
- Christians participate in Holy Communion.
Important Symbols Connected to Good Friday
Good Friday has several symbols such as:
- Crucifix: Representing Jesus Christ’s died.
- Black Cloth: It is used for covering crosses, paintings, and statues in churches. However, some people keep the appearance of their house plain by removing flowers and other decorations
Good Friday 2025 Date
Good Friday 2025 date is April 18, Friday, 2025. We keep updating the dates. Please check this page for Good Friday 2025 dates.