EFLU Entrance Exam 2024 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Pattern

The application form for the EFLU Hyderabad MA in English (Distance Mode) program is now available at efluniversity.ac.in. The deadline for submitting completed application forms by mail, along with all required certifications and demand draughts, is March 20, 2024. The application form, along with scanned copies of necessary certifications and information for online fee payment, can be emailed to eflusdema@gmail.com.

Important Dates of EFLU 2024 – PG Programs

Event Dates
Starting date of application formJuly 2024
Last date to submit application formAugust 2024
Release the list of shortlisted CandidatesAugust 2024
Publication for provisional ListAugust 2024
First admission CounsellingAugust 2024
ELFU 1st admission listAugust 2024
ELFU 2st admission listTBA
ELFU 3st admission listTBA

Important Dates of EFLU 2024 – UG Programs

EFLU application form July 2024
Last date to submit application formAugust 2024
Release the list of shortlisted CandidatesAugust 2024
Publication for provisional ListAugust 2024
First round of admission counselingAugust 2024
EFLU UG 1st merit list 2024August 2024

The English and Foreign Language University (EFLU), a one-of-a-kind institution in the South Asian area, promotes the study, research, and teaching of English and foreign languages in detail. Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, and Turkish are among the foreign languages taught at the university. EFLU includes seven schools and twenty-six departments. Graduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programmes are available, as well as postgraduate certificates, remote learning, and part-time courses.

Students are admitted to the university after passing admission exams. The institution administers its entrance exam in a number of places around the country. The application form is available on the university’s website for download. Following the completion of the application procedure, the institution notifies students of the availability of admission cards. Applicants for PhD programmes must submit a research proposal of 500-800 words in addition to the application form. The candidates are notified that telephone interviews for PhD programmes will be held.

The University’s main campus is in Hyderabad, with two regional centres in Shillong and Lucknow providing a unique learning platform for students from the country’s north-eastern and northern regions. The regional centres have the same aesthetics as the main campus, but they also have their own set of programmes.

EFLU Admission Highlight 2024

CourseUG, PG, and Doctoral Courses
Course TypeFull- Time
Offered ByEnglish and Foreign Languages University 
Specializations OfferedM.Phil/Ph.D. in Arts MA BA
Course Duration3 years Minimum 
Basic Eligibility Criteria10+2 passed 
Examination Name
For UG and PG
Common University Entrance Test (PG)
Common University Entrance Test (UG)
Conducting bodyNational Testing Agency (UG)
Applications AcceptedOnline

EFLU B.A & B.Ed Admission 2024

Participants in the B.Ed programme are required to participate in cultural events, co-curricular activities, and the development of teaching aids. The BA programmes last three years, whereas the B.Ed. specialised Teacher Trainer Program lasts two years.

Hyderabad Campus

Course NameSpecializationsEligibilityIntake
BA (Hons)EnglishCandidates must have finished senior secondary school or an examination of equal value with an average of at least 50% (Gen/OBC) and 45 percent (SC/ST) in order to be considered. He or she must have taken English as a major. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.40
B.Ed EnglishCandidate must have earned a minimum of 50% in English in high school OR have finished a bachelor’s degree in English. He/she must have finished a postgraduate degree in English with a minimum of 50% marks OR he/she is currently enrolled in the above-mentioned examination and will have completed it by the time of admission. The Central Government’s rules for reserved seats for SC/ST/OBC shall be followed.50

Shillong Campus

Course NameSpecializationsEligibilityIntake
BA (Hons)EnglishCandidates must have finished senior secondary school or an examination of equal value with an average of at least 50% (Gen/OBC) and 45 percent (SC/ST) in order to be considered. He or she must have taken English as a major. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.20

Lucknow Campus

Course NameSpecializationsEligibilityIntake
BA HonsEnglishCandidates must have finished senior secondary school or an examination of equal value with an average of at least 50% (Gen/OBC) and 45 percent (SC/ST) in order to be considered. He or she must have taken English as a major. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.40

EFLU M.A & M.Ed Admission 2024

The postgraduate programmes follow a unique system that allows students to choose from a wide range of courses in areas such as literature, linguistics, and English Language Education. Students can choose from three different MA programmes: Specialized MA, Bracketed MA, and General MA.

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Media and Communication (M&C), Linguistics (Ling. ), English Literature (Eng. Lit. ), and Literary and Cultural Studies are the five areas of concentration for the courses provided (LCS).

Hyderabad Campus
M.A. (Computational Linguistics)The candidate must have finished their degree in any field with a minimum of 55 percent in Linguistics. He or she must have completed at least 15 credits in Linguistics, Computer Science and/or Engineering and Technology, Computer Applications, Mathematics, and Physics. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have passed it with the requisite minimum score by the time of admission.
MA EnglishCandidate must have finished their degree in any field with an average of at least 55 percent for Gen/OBC and 50 percent for SC/ST, OR he/she is currently enrolled in the above-mentioned examination and will have completed it by the time of admission.90
MA (JMC)20
M A ArabicHe or she must have earned a bachelor’s degree in the relevant language or in a related field, as well as a certificate of B1 level competency in the language, which is equal to an Advanced Diploma. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.20
M A French20
M A German20
M A Japanese20
M A Russian20
M A Spanish20
MA Hindi20
Postgraduate Diploma in the Teaching of EnglishCandidate must have earned a minimum of 55 percent in their post-graduate studies in English/English Literature/Linguistics/TESL. (Relaxation may be granted to sponsored or outstanding applicants.) 50 percent for SC/ST; OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it at the time of admission.40
Shillong Campus
MA EnglishCandidate must have finished their degree in any field with an average of at least 55 percent for Gen/OBC and 50 percent for SC/ST, OR he or she is currently enrolled in the above-mentioned examination and will have completed it by the time of admission.30
MA LinguisticsHe or she must have earned a bachelor’s degree in the relevant language or in a related field, as well as a certificate of B1 level competency in the language, which is equal to an Advanced Diploma. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.20
MA Mass Communication and Journalism (Honours)Candidate must have finished their degree in any stream with an average of at least 55 percent for Gen/OBC and 50 percent for SC/ST, OR he or she is currently enrolled in the above-mentioned examination and will have completed it by the time of admission.20
MA English LiteratureHe or she must have earned a bachelor’s degree in the relevant language or in a related field, as well as a certificate of B1 level competency in the language, which is equal to an Advanced Diploma. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.30
Lucknow Campus
M.A EnglishCandidates must have completed their degree in any field with an average of at least 55 percent for General/OBC and 50 percent for SC/ST. OR he/she is taking the above-mentioned test and will have finished it by the time of admission.40
Post Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English10

EFLU Ph.D Admission 2024

Students can choose from a variety of PhD programmes at the institution, which encourage study in a variety of languages and interdisciplinary studies.

• There are two types of doctorate programmes: full-time and part-time.

• The date of the interview is notified individually.

EFLU Application Process 2024

The application form is available on the university’s website for download. These must be supplied in an online format. The application fee for General/OBC applicants is INR 500, while those from the SC/ST/PWD categories must pay INR 250.

The candidate must go to the university’s website. The application must be completed online.

 The online edition of the prospectus contains all relevant information about the University’s programmes. He or she must carefully review the content and complete the application form properly.

The candidate must have a valid email address that is active at the time the application is submitted.

 In one academic year, he or she can only apply for two full-time courses. When enrolling for two courses, the candidate must fill out a single application and include the names of both programmes, as well as pay the entry price for each.

 He/she must pay a non-refundable entrance test fee of INR 350/- for General/OBC/WDP applicants, and INR 150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates, using any method of online payment.

The applicant must also provide a scanned photograph, signature, father’s/Aadhar mother’s card/Voter card/Ration card/Passport, and caste certificate (if applying for a reserved seat in the SC/ST/OBC quota). He/she should also submit a scanned copy of his/her PWD (Person with Disability) or WDP (Ward of Defence Personnel) certificate if it is required.

EFLU Entrance Exam Result 2024

For admission to the different programmes offered at EFLU, a written Entrance Exam is administered. The test is held at eight different locations across India. The admission exam results are published on the university’s official website. The following steps can be used by students to check their results:

1. Go to the official EFLU website.

2. Go to the homepage’s ‘Academic Announcements’ section.

3. Go to the section ‘Entrance Exam Result’ and click on the ‘Entrance Exam Result’ link.

4. You’ll be sent to a different page.

5. Click on ‘Submit’ after entering your ‘Roll No.’ and ‘Date of Birth.’

6. The outcome would be displayed on the following screen.

7. Save or print your results for future reference.

EFLU Model Entrance Exam Papers 2024

Students who will be taking the entrance exam can get a head start by obtaining sample entrance exam papers. The model test papers are available for download on the official website. The papers are organised by course. The steps to obtain model test papers are as follows:

1. Go to the official EFLU website.

2. Go to the homepage’s ‘Academic Announcements’ section.

3. Select ‘Model Entrance Exam Papers’ from the drop-down menu.

4. You’ll be sent to a different page.

5. On the next page, there will be a ‘.pdf’ link for various courses.

6. Go to the desired course’s link and click on it.

7. The file ‘.pdf’ will be downloaded.

8. Open the file and double-check the document.

EFLU Distance Education Academic Calendar 2024

The School of Distance Education at EFLU provides three distinct programmes in English: PGCTE, PGDTE, and MA. Students interested in enrolling in various courses at EFLU’s School of Distant Education can consult the official website of EFLU distance education for the 2017-18 academic calendar.


Which exam does EFLU consider for UG and PG courses?

EFLU considers CUET UG for UG courses and CUET PG for PG courses.

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